Marketing, Branding and Entrepreneurship Blog

Eric Elliott in Miami at National Trial Lawyer Summit 2023

Written by Eric Elliott | Mar 14, 2024 4:10:45 AM



Eric Elliott, our Founder and host of The Adcast recently inspired a nationwide gathering in Miami! At the 2023 National Trial Lawyers Association Summit, his powerful insights enthralled America’s brightest legal minds. Eric continues to be an unparalleled source when it comes to knowledge and expertise within his field – he made us proud yet again with this noteworthy speaking engagement!

Come hear Eric Elliott, an expert on digital marketing strategies for law firms, discuss the dos and don’ts of engaging with agencies. Don’t miss out!

Each year, a who’s-who of America’s top legal minds come together for an exclusive gathering: the Trial Lawyers Summit. This event is more than just networking – it offers stimulating sessions and invaluable insights, arming attorneys with better tools to excel in courtrooms across the country.

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